My Peeps

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 1: Photo Challenge - A Picture of Yourself with 10 Facts

  1. I love my family.  But I'm ashamed that there have been times that I've become so driven by a task or person in need that my family's needs have been overlooked or neglected.  I have to run a constant "priorities diagnostic" to keep first things first.
  2. Going to church, via bus ministry as a child, helped to bring stability to my childhood which was filled with instability in every other way.
  3. My clean, folded laundry rarely gets put away right away.
  4. When I was little my favorite past time was to climb as high as I could in trees, and sing made up songs inspired by the birds, clouds, lizards etc. I still find my inspiration in nature.
  5. Father's Day is one of my favorite holidays. I celebrate my heavenly Father.  His unconditional love is what has kept me alive, given me a reason to live and made me a better, stronger person.  I love my Daddy.
  6. I tend to be optimistic, to a fault, especially about people.  And I don't know that I would want to live any other way.
  7. I made a mental list when I was little of the things I would do differently than my parents when I grew up and became a mom.
  8. I have kept almost all of those promises.
  9. I want to make a difference in this world.
  10. Perfectionism is the enemy to productivity in my life.  Sometimes it keeps me from doing anything, unless I can do it right, right now.  That frustrates me.


  1. You're awesome Angie:) I also love #6 - optimism is a double-edged sword - our intent focus on finding the good causes us to miss the not-so-good. And I wouldn't want to live any other way either. Thanks for being you! Best to you & your fam - have a great weekend!

  2. Thanks Chris! That's very sweet of you to say.
